
See the world through a human lens.

Our tools and techniques are designed to help you connect with and learn from the right people and understand their culture and context.

A person looking towards the camera with his arms crossed smiling.


From focus groups to eyetracking, generate the insights you need.

Uncover what matters to your brand and consumers.

  • Uncover the deep, rich insights your consumers want to share through online and offline qualitative research.

  • Research’s bread and butter. The proof is in the numbers.

  • Connect with a group of interesting and interested people using creative exercises and techniques to go beyond what people say and capture what they mean .

  • Let expert semiotic and cultural analysts from our sub-brand Space Doctors decode the contexts shaping your success (culture, category, competitors, brand) to help you recode for the future .

  • Through our tools and experts, discover the information already available through tactics such as web scraping and data mining.


Got the insight – now let’s do something about it.

Take action, fuel change and inspire your brand.

  • Rethink the deliverable, increase engagement by bringing fresh perspective and sprinkling in thought starters on how to act .

  • From trainings and bootcamps, to immersive spaces. We can help create the consumer empathy programme you need.

  • Go beyond presentations and post-its by bringing in relevant artifacts, real time experimentations and quick turn iteration to drive impact. 

  • Success lies in the details and the people.  Translate your vision and strategies into actions and commitments .

  • Create original, user-friendly toolkits and communications that empower people to do their job better and faster.


Strategies, experiences and transformation. Our consultative capabilities can take your work to the next level.

Internal or external, employees or customers.

  • Don’t feel like you’re all working towards the same north star? Discover how to unite your company to achieve a common goal.

  • People make a business tick. Employees are the heart and soul of any organisation. Understanding their experience as part of the team is the key to success.

  • If your customers aren’t happy, neither is your brand. Identify pain points and areas to optimise in order to ensure longevity.

AI & technology

Harness the power of AI & technology through our tools, platforms and expertise.

People make the world go round, but technology makes it run faster.

  • Utilise the power of AI through our own custom assistant and our internal expertise.

  • Our in-house collaboration platform allows us to introduce you to different groups of people to make sure diverse, but relevant perspectives are brought to the table.

  • The secret to technology? The people behind it. Our tools and education programmes help keep your knowledge and expertise up to date.

Let’s connect

Ready to focus on what matters?