Developing a hallmark for glass packaging

By tapping into the creativity of the crowd, FEVE could efficiently launch a new hallmark designed to remind consumers of the benefits of glass packaging.


How it started

As part of their sustainability goals, FEVE (European Federation of Glass Packaging) aimed to launch a new glass hallmark. This symbol should remind consumers of the main assets and benefits of glass packaging.

Together with us, FEVE connected consumers, creatives and the industry to develop the ideal hallmark that best communicates this message.


Feve_hallmark input


How we inspired change

Based on insights from our Packaging & Recycling studies over the past 10 years, FEVE selected key attributes for the hallmark to communicate: glass is natural, infinitely recyclable, preserves product quality and reflects care for the environment and ourselves. Then they developed some initial ideas with the help of a creative agency. Tapping into the power of the crowd, we launched an open contest on our proprietary creator network eÿeka, inviting the 400,000-creative-strong network to contribute ideas for a hallmark that addresses all the key attributes FEVE had identified.

Next, FEVE members reviewed the creative ideas and cast their votes. Their top 3 went up against the original ideas from the creative agency in a survey with 2,500 consumers across five European markets. These consumers were asked to assess each symbol’s ability to communicate the right message and highlighting the key attributes of glass packaging.


How it lives on

In just 12 days, we received 130 ideas from creatives in 38 countries. Going up against the original ideas from the creative agency, the consumers rated the hallmarks generated by the eÿeka network higher across most KPIs.

The top scoring hallmarks were also cross-checked by FEVE within the food & drink packaging industry, ultimately selecting the winning hallmark from the eÿeka network ideas.

The hallmark was trademarked by FEVE and launched in November 2020.


Feve hallmark

“Working together on the hallmark with the eÿeka platform, consumers & brands was so insightful and new for us! At the end, when we chose the final design, we were already sure it would work because we had gone through such a large collaboration and scrutiny process! If we have the opportunity, we will surely invest again in such an approach for the realisation of new projects.”

Michael Delle Selve
Head of Marketing and Communications, FEVE

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