Crafting the perfect cocktail recipe via online consumer tasting sessions

An in-home use test helped liqueur producer De Kuyper to optimize the recipes of its new 0% cocktails before launch.


How it started

De Kuyper Royal Distillers is a Dutch cocktail liqueur producer with over 80 liqueurs available in more than 100 countries. They recognised a growing trend of low- and no-alcohol drinks and developed several products to cater for this. With several cocktails in the last development phase, they were looking for consumer feedback to perfect the various recipes.


How we inspired change

We supported De Kuyper in their development process by first prioritizing seven potential cocktails. Through a quantitative survey with 200 Dutch and British consumers, we mapped their potential by measuring the purchase intention. Next, De Kuyper created samples for the top four products that would have the highest market reach, which were then shipped to cocktail lovers. In 16 digital qualitative one-on-one interviews, we sampled the four cocktails with consumers and obtained their in-depth feedback on each of them.



How it lives on

This research helped De Kuyper Royal Distillers to introduce more focus in the innovation process, by understanding which cocktails have the most potential to drive volume. Next, it gave their R&D team clear and actionable input to further refine the recipes through detailed feedback on the sensory profile.


“I experienced the cooperation as very pleasant and professional. The product testing was done completely digital due to COVID-19 restrictions and therefore had its challenges, but we received very valuable, practical and tangible feedback to improve our innovations. Human8 showed they can fulfill a broad need on research and really think along with what is needed in every stage of a project.”

Godelief van Erve 
Global Marketing Director, De Kuyper Royal Distillers

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